How I Survived waiting for My Soulmate to 10 Year Wedding Anniversary!

May 6th, 2016 was my 10 Year Wedding Anniversary. It honestly feels so weird writing that as 10 years ago, I honestly would have never thought this day would come.

10 years may not sound a lot to some. It is unfortunately a very long time in our day and age. It is an even longer time considering we don't have any children.

My husband and I have overcome an extreme amount of obstacles. Those of which are very typical for Soulmate relationships. True Soulmates are typically not the couple that you see that is smiling and always seems happy. They are the couples that go through some of the most horrible obstacles and accomplish them and get through them together.

They are the couple that in the end, your friends and family are saying "how did you guys survive"!

Now, this is not a blog post about details of my Marriage or the things that we have been through but just to give you an idea. We have overcome Fertility issues, Addictions, Past relationships, Financial problems, Legal Issues, Loss, Culture differences, Language Barriers, Racism and every other problem that comes up in life. Not to mention that we married 2 months after we met. I mean when does that work out? Seriously? We marries so quickly that I never actually got a wedding ring. We used a super cheap couple of dollar ring that I couldn't wear for more than the duration of the wedding as it had already started to turn my finger green. I made a Pendulum out of it, and use that often though.

I am sure for him being Married to a Psychic Medium was not ideal for him. He tells people "I can't get away with anything". Which always makes me laugh as well.... its true. It has not been easy to say the least. But, everything that I have been through I always believe is for a reason. Our relationship is very strong, we are still in love, we are still attracted to each other, and everything we have been through helps me to be a better Psychic and an expert on Soulmate Relationships.

I am however an advocate on waiting for your soulmate.... and that it comes at the right time, not always when you want! Sometimes you may have to meet each other in order to begin the process. Sometimes (like in our case) the person comes in when you are not even looking, and may even think you are in love with someone else!

Regardless, soulmates are real. Everyone has at least one in this lifetime. Sometimes your soulmate may not be around to be with you, your entire life. This was the case for my Grandmother and Grandfather. My Grandfather Passed away when my Grandmother and Grandfather had been together about 36 years. My Grandmother was in her late 50's. She spent the next 30 years still in love with him, and never moved on to anyone else. She talked to him every night before she went to bed (his spirit of course) and lived life as though he was there in the shadows. She in many ways was happy and hopeful to join him on the other side, and be with him again.

Some find their soulmates early in life, maybe even during childhood and spend 70 years together. Others may find it later in life, or maybe someone from childhood or earlier in life comes back and becomes a true soulmate.

Whatever the situation is, everyone has a soulmate and when it is the right time, they will come into your life, or in some instances come back into your life. The most important thing to remember is that before a true soulmate comes in, you will begin to learn many lessons, and when they come in. The obstacles will be a plenty. Never give up, listen to your intuition, and celebrate every day you are together with your soulmate, ever moment you are preparing yourself for your soulmate, and also every relationship that comes before or after.

Love is amazing if you allow it to be.

My husband was previously married and had 3 children from his first marriage. I was worried that I would never find a soulmate as I could not have children. Sometimes things work out in mysterious ways. I wanted my soulmate to come in when I was 16. I am and was that typical girl who started planning her wedding and family very early. May have even been before 16. Now, I am glad it didn't happen then, and if some reason my soulmate and I are not meant to spend our lives together (sometimes soulmates do separate and don't spend their entire life together for reasons other than crossing over) I am grateful of all the lessons I have learned so far.

The gifts of waiting on your soulmate are as abundant as the obstacles.

You will find things like I did. Children that you thought you could not have, someone who allows you to flourish and grow, and someone to teach many things to.

Soulmates are all about balance of good and bad, yin and yang, dark and light.

It takes us often a lifetime to achieve balance and soulmates creates true balance that may also take a lifetime to achieve together.

If you would like a Soulmate reading please feel free to look at my services or contact me for more information.

I survived, and so will you. I promise.


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