Tony Robbins | Netflix Original 'I Am Not Your Guru' | A Biased Review

'I Am Not Your Guru' a Netflix Original Documentary Film  - That follows Tony Robins during one of his 'Date with Destiny' Shows. It also goes behind the scenes and shows everything about the 'Guru'. You can find more information on the Tony Robbins Website /

WARNING: Spoiler Alert and Explicit Language Alert

I myself have been a huge fan and follower of Tony Robbins for most of my life. Everyone needs someone that they admire and aspire to be. Even though I am a Psychic Medium and don't consider myself a Guru I still find him more of a Inspiration and someone that I admire more than the other long time Psychic Medium's in my field. I have read most of his books beginning with 'Awaken the Giant within'. I like him, because he is honest. He is about being honest, telling the painful truth, and being Fucking blunt. Which I love as that is my truth that I live daily.

I have been anticipating this film since I heard of its existence, and honestly due to how much it does cost to attend a 'Date with Destiny' Session (Right now GA Tickets for his Florida conference are aprox $5000.00) this is probably the closest I could get right now to being a part of his show. But, I am not going to bash him for the price because even though I have only seen videos of the events and I can't afford it. It feels very worth it.

Most have also heard the controversy regarding his Fire Walking events that happened recently where 30 people were burned. Which is of course something that could happen when you add flame to skin.

But...... On to my Biased Review. 

The Film starts amazing. The Tony Robbins that I am inside comes out within the first few moments. Some people may find it offensive that Tony Robbins uses so much profanity during his conferences. So, if you have little children around, this may not be the best thing to watch with them as he is NOT your Child's Guru. In the opening scenes he is discussing why an attendee of the event would like to kill himself. When the Attendee is deep in thought thinking of why he hates himself. Tony Abruptly changes the subject...

Tony Robbins "Why do you hate yourself?" 
Attendee - breathes heavily deep in thought........
Tony Robbins "Is it the Red Shoes?" (the attendee has very red sneakers on)
Attendee "What?"
Tony Robbins "IS it the Red Shoes?"  
Attendee - looks down "No!"
Tony Robbins "Are you sure? Cuz they're fuckin red!" 
- The Audience and the Attendee Laugh. 
Tony Robbins - Touches the mans face "Don't you be smiling like that. You'll fuck everything up."

He uses a form of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) that takes people out of their own minds and tricks their brains to focus on something else and open them up. I mean within seconds the man went from Crying and shaking and feeling sorry for himself, to laughing. Which is what we honestly should all be doing when it comes to tough situations. If one simple comment can take this man out of over thinking his problems and focusing on the now, then why is he not doing that for himself?   I have studied NLP myself and eventually will post a blog about NLP and what I have learned from it.

Tony later on tells the attendee as his face twitches with passion.....

"You have just begun and your NOT going to fuck it up!" 
"Your going to take your time to develop and your going to enjoy a little bit along the way."

You can see, those 2 sentences alone, changed this mans life. Sometimes, we just need to hear the truth. Sometimes, we just need to have someone tells us what it is we CAN achieve in life. This is the Power of Tony Robbins.

So, after 2 hours of crying.... feeling bad about myself..... feeling good about myself.... cursing at myself... and knowing that I am one of those people who is in desperate need of someone telling me what the fuck I CAN do in my life......  AND that deep inside myself I AM Tony Robbins and can create my own form of him within myself.

The documentary goes on to tell the Tale of Tony Robbins and how he created himself...... who he really is (which has honestly never felt much different than who he portrays) and why he does what he does. It is put together very well and I applaud the director and everyone who made it.

I am not going to give too much away of course, because I think even someone who would be offended by his bluntness could get ALOT of out this. Tony Robbins really is one of the greats "Guru's" of our time. He may not consider himself that, but I do....

Please let me know your thoughts!

Did you see the film?

Do you share my passion?

Is he your Guru now?


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