April 28th, 2016 5 Planet Retrograde Mercury RX | Prepare to lose your F-ing mind and find it again! | Astro Outlook PART 2

Mercury Retrograde April/May 2016
April 28th, 2016 to May 22nd, 2015

What is a Retrograde? 

This is a General Description - The way each retrograde will effect us is based on whatever your Sign is, your natal chart (Astrology Chart) including your moon signs, sun signs ect. There is a commonality however to the effects of what each retrograde is, and what it is meant to accomplish during its period of going from retrograde to direct. Some people may feel certain retrogrades more than others for these reasons. For example. Due to my own Natal Chart. I will/should feel the effects a bit stronger from Mars and Saturn Retrograde, and I may be able to skip over some of the extra or amplified negatives of Mercury this go round. Everyone will feel some effect and you will feel effect due to what others in your life are going through as well. 

5 Planet Retrograde 

First 5 Planet Retrograde in 10 Years.
Mercury being a part of the 5 Retrograde period can increase the negatives associated with the other 4 planets in retrograde. 

Jupiter | January 7th in Virgo | Direct May 9th in Virgo 

Promise of Success, but you will have to pass many tests and personal growth before feeling the effects and receiving the success that Jupiter will bring before it goes direct. 

Saturn - March 25th in Sagittarius | Direct August 13th in Sagittarius 

Love - Finishing what you started at the beginning of the year. 

Mars - April 17th in Sagittarius | Direct June 29th in Scorpio 

Business Success if you stick to what you are doing and don't get distracted with drama. 

Pluto - April 18th in Capricorn | Direct September 26th in Capricorn 

Fear of Letting go, Fear of being controlled. 

Mercury - April 28th in Taurus | Direct May 22nd in Taurus 

Deep buried memories and healing old wounds. The chance of people from your past coming back in to get closure, settle old Karma. 

The 2 week Shadow Period will be a clean up period, the release period and the let go period. 

So, if you don't go insane during this period, you will be good. 

So..... with the 5 Planet Retrograde, this blog posting was a bit late. But, please feel free to share any of your 5 Planet retro stories below. 


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