The Path TV Series on Hulu | Aaron Paul Cult/Metaphysical Drama | An Honest Review

This is an open and honest review about a show that I find quite Metaphysical and I highly recommend. I will try to not give any spoilers, but it could happen, and you have been warned. 

I don't know about you, but I sure have been withdrawing from my weekly doses of 'Breaking Bad' ever since the series ended. So much that I subscribed to Netflix and re watched the show in its entirety again.. ok, maybe twice... LOL

When I heard that Aaron Paul was going to be on a Hulu Original Series (only airs on Hulu) called 'The Path'... I was more than ready to get me some Jesse Pinkman love! I was however very disappointed when I decided to read some reviews before viewing the show that really were not encouraging. I try to read some reviews or info about a show before hand because I am tired of all the shows that I like getting cancelled and not getting a proper ending. So, after struggling, I decided I had an hour to kill and if I didn't think it was worth it, I would just call it quits after ep. 1. Well, I just watched episode 5, so here we are! 

A mix of all of this, plus the fact that I have been wanting to blog about a couple of other Metaphysical shows like 'Six Feet Under' and 'Lost', sparked me to finally write my first ever show  review! So, here it is... and I hope for many more to come! 

After I watched the first episode I was quite excited and amazed at the fact that Aaron Paul was able to transform as an actor from his best known character of Jesse Pinkman into a 30 something family man living and working in a compound that has a belief system that is about "Finding the Light" called the 'Meyerist Movement" which in my humble opinion is very similar to what I know of Scientology mixed with a bit of Mormonism but set in a Hippy Style Compound. The story line centers around many characters inside and outside of the compound dealing with their inner struggles of questioning their faith, decisions and values. Each episode to this point answers some questions and secrets and then opens up more. 

The Path stars Aaron Paul (Breaking Bad), Michelle Monaghan (Made of Honor), Hugh Dancy (Hannibal), and Rockmond Dunbar (Sons of Anarchy). Aaron Paul is also one of the producers of the show also. Apparently it was originally to be titled "The Way" but was changed due to it being similar to a real life ministry called The Way International, but from what I ready about The Way International it doesn't seem to be that similar to the show. 

The key elements of the show that made me want to blog about it are honestly the Metaphysical aspects of the show. Manifestation Visions, finding your way in life, and achieving balance and increasing your intuition while trying to make the right decisions for yourselves and others. These are honestly the fundamentals of our existence as humans and we struggle constantly to achieve balance in everything and to question or faith.  Every action has a re action. It is borderline a psychological thriller, as there is enough questions raised to get you to want to watch the next episode, but so far not too many to make you feel like you don't know what is going on. Which then leaves enough room for you to question your own beliefs. 

Now, I like what I call "real" shows that have a dialogue that is closer to "real life" but be warned that they do throw quite a few 'F-Bombs' around, there is quite a bit of sexual content, and the story line is pretty heavy. With that being said, I wouldn't recommend this as a Wednesday night family show with a younger generation. I think it would raise too many questions and make you do way too much google research to answer all their little questions. 

Now as I said I am only on episode 5, and even though there is a clear 'Hero/Villain' situation going on the writers and actors have done a wonderful job of allowing you to like and dislike the personalities of all characters so far, but at the same time there is not one trustworthy character among them. 

It does make you think, so if you do watch it, I say spend some time to really think outside the box, don't get too caught up in it being a drama tv show, and pay attention to the lessons each character is learning, struggling with and attempting to reconcile in their lives. Sometimes it takes questioning ourselves and our faith, to begin to actually have faith. 

There are only a few negatives or well things that bother me a bit about the show. It is honestly having to do with the main female character that Michelle Monaghan plays. I guess first I should say that I loved the tv show 'Big Love' about a family living in plural marriage in the Fundamentalist Mormon Religion. The Path does have some of the same undertones as Big love did with regards to the lessons learned, the dialogue ect. But, it is a very different show. So, anyways to get back to what I was saying about Michelle Monaghan is that it bothers me that she looks and acts so much like Jeanne Tripplehorn who played the first wife of the main character in Big Love. It is almost too much of a coincidence that it bothers me. 

The other is that you can sense that they are being very careful to not step on anyone's toes with regards to discussing details of the actual religion. I mean slowly you are seeing more, but I just get the sense that even when the show ends, we will never have a "clear" perspective of the religion itself. It is understandable however as religion is such a sensitive topic and can be taken out of context very quickly. 

Oh, and one more awesome thing. The 16 year old son of Aaron Paul's Character has the most beautiful hair. I am so envious. Seriously, I would probably watch it just to oogle over the fact that yet another Man/Boy has more beautiful hair than me! Can someone connect me to his stylist please? 

No one in my personal life is watching the show yet, so I have been unsuccessful in any real deep discussions with others, but let me know what you think about the show?  I hope it continues with the same momentum and if you are looking for something that could potentially open up some of your own issues or wounds here you go! 

So, there it is. Again, this is my very first review ever for a T.V. Show, and I may update it as the series progresses. I hope to have more reviews on some other T.V shows that joggled my Metaphysical Mind like 'Being Erica', and perhaps some of my "metaphysical" movies that I like, and I do have a few book reviews that I have yet to post as well. 


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